About Tuia Mātauranga
Tuia Mātauranga is a programme developed by the Ministry of Education to support teaching and learning about our dual heritage, shared future. It highlights local people, places, and events that have helped shape our nation’s histories.
Tuia Mātauranga
Tuia Mātauranga was developed by the Ministry of Education in 2019 to support teaching and learning about our dual heritage, shared future as part of the national commemoration, Tuia250.
The programme highlights local people, places, and events that have helped shape our nation’s histories. It aims to inspire children, young people, and their whānau to:
- explore their own stories of who they are and where they come from, and
- develop a more in-depth knowledge of their whakapapa and identity.
Tuia Mātauranga has 4 main topics:
- Voyaging — the 1000 years of Pacific voyaging and celestial navigation, and the meeting of 2 great voyaging traditions
- First encounters — the meeting of land and sea, Māori and Aotearoa, Māori and European and the many migrations
- Aotearoa New Zealand histories — the significant people, places, and events that shaped the community, and those of significance to all New Zealanders
- Legacy of learning — maintaining and building strong respectful relationships, celebrating the rich heritage of all of the people that have chosen to live here, and strengthening our relationship with the environment.
The histories of Aotearoa New Zealand have many perspectives, some less known than others. Sharing knowledge and different perspectives enables us to better understand our histories and who we are as a nation, to help create a more positive future.
Tuia Mātauranga roadshow
As part of the Tuia Mātauranga programme, the Ministry of Education delivered a travelling roadshow. The roadshow provided an overview of Aotearoa New Zealand histories using text, imagery, interactive technology, and supporting activities and resources, in both te reo Māori and English.
Starting in 2019, the roadshow visited 77 communities from Taipa to Invercargill and supported community-led events across the country.
In 2021, Ministry of Education worked with the National Library of New Zealand to further develop the roadshow experience and bring it online, along with supporting resources.