Cinema  Kororāreka may be  a recent phenomena  but movies at the Town hall are a Russell tradition. They were shown from the silent days until the early 1960s and served an admirable public service for a time. These 1965 news clippings discussed the issue:

Picture Theatre: Reduced public support may result in closing down of the theatre it was stated. Revenue was down £340 on last year for the 10 months ending in January…the council decided pictures could be screened for a further year after which the position would be reviewed. The public is to be notified of the serious financial position and the possibility of closing down; A letter to the editor expressed an opinion about the useful role movies could play in a town such as ours, where drinking alcohol is such a popular pastime; Insufficient bar-room facilities at the only licensed hotel in Russell had led to drinking on the beach and on roadsides during the holidays… councilors expressed concern at liquor being consumed in public places. The council decided to ask its solicitors for advice on overcoming the problem of inadequate drinking facilities on holiday premises in the town.

The photo shows the exterior ladder to the Town Hall projection room c. 1924-25. The two young boys are Roy & Charlie Baker. Photofile no. 7007.

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